Self Image



Overcomer: Breaking Down the Walls of Shame and Rebuilding your soul - Aubrey Sampson

Using the model of a house, “Sampson identifies eight major lies of shame such as: I’ll have more value when I change; I cannot experience freedom from shame; My past is unsalvageable; and Shame is only traumatic.
Written with a strong biblical theology and humorous authenticity, as well as true-life stories shared by women of all ages, Sampson equips readers with tools for an ongoing spiritual discipline of “shamelessness.” Sampson deals directly with the shame that comes from comical moments in life, as well as from sexual abuse, eating disorders, addiction, abandonment, and other real-life issues.  She also encourages women to transform their life’s story into ministry, creating ripple effects of hope and healing that can change the world.
Written for any woman whose self-worth has been stolen, Overcomer gives her the courage, in Jesus, to reclaim it
Unashamed - Christine Caine

Shame has no place in the purpose, plan, and destiny God has for you. Shame lies to us. It robs us of the very freedom we long for, and shackles us in the prison of our past. But you have the power to move past your past, and step into a future that God has prepared for you in freedom. In Unashamed, Christine Caine reveals the often-hidden consequences of shame—in her own life and the lives of so many Christian women—and invites you to join her in moving from a shame-filled to a shame-free life. In her passionate style, Christine leads you into God's Word where you will see for yourself how to believe that God is bigger than your mistakes, your inadequacies, your past, and your limitations. He is not only more powerful than anything you've done but also stronger than anything ever done to you. You can deal with your yesterday today, so that you can move on to what God has in store for you tomorrow—a powerful purpose and destiny he wants you to fulfill.

It's Not How You Look, It's What You See: Change Your Perspective - Change your Life - Lisa Bevere

Fashioned to Reign: Empowering Women to Fulfill Their Divine Destiny - Kris Vallotton

You are the Girl For the Job - Jess Connolly 

You believe (or want to believe) God has called you and given you purpose, but where do you start? How do you get from feeling stuck to making a move? If this sounds familiar, bestselling author Jess Connolly has a message for you: You Are the Girl for the Job.
But this is not simply a peppy catchphrase. This is the straight-up truth God has proclaimed over your life from the beginning, and it's not dependent on what you can do or achieve but based on His power, capacity, and character. 
It has taken one million, maybe one zillion (who knows?!), slight moves of His hand to place you in this exact moment. So forget about fear and second-guessing your gifts, because God has meticulously prepared you to be an ambassador for the Kingdom right where you are, here and now. Life is too short to get stuck in a holding pattern of shame, self-doubt, and comparison. So let this book be your very good news: you don't have to wait for permission when you've already been commissioned. 
With passion and heart-pumping hope, Jess shows that being the girl for the job doesn't depend on your capacity. Rather, it has everything to do with God's capacity and our willingness. It has everything to do with believing we are who God says we are, and quieting any inferior word spoken against us. Are you ready? 
Let this book be your jumpstart into confident, purposed living, as Jess walks you through the six steps she has used to coach and encourage women for years: set your focus, take stock of the story that has shaped you, face your fear, catch the vision, make a plan, and finally, make your move--all in the bold belief that God has called you to every step of the journey.


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